Write for us
Rate Advisor is always looking for fresh voices to add to our editorial team.
You don’t need to be a professional writer, just to have passion for story telling and an interest in writing about financial matters. Our guest authors have to produce unique content specifically written for Rate Advisor. Therefore we do not accept content that has previously been published elsewhere.
We find that our audience responds well to short-form of writing (ie. listicle in journalism language) a style that uses a list as its thematic structure. Content should be targeted on money matters and should focus on actionable advice and tips.
When you work with us you also agree not to re-publish the same content anywhere else, and that Rate Advisor reserves the right for full editorial control.
We will include a short author’s biography for each post which can include 1 link. No aliases please as we want our readers to connect with people who are happy to put their name on it.